The Sandy Hook Chapel has been in existence since the use of Fort Hancock. The chapel was built out of materials that were not 100% environmentally friendly and may pose as a threat to the land and water nearby. In an attempt to reduce these conditions, I will recreate the plans for the chapel using sustainable materials. The ongoing problem of pollution is constantly threatening the environment and everyone is responsible to help make the Earth a greener place. In today’s world, pollution can be found everywhere we look. Even the materials we use to create buildings have been contributing to this issue and releasing chemicals into our environment. To eliminate this issue, building and homes are being constructed from green and sustainable materials that do not harm the environment. Solar energy has become a substitute for gas and is becoming more popular in urban communities.
The people involved with this project are the people using and maintaining the space. The National Park Service will be the people that will be responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of the interior and exterior of the chapel. They are the owners of the the chapel and will also be using the chapel to hold ceremonies such as weddings and other special events. People who are using the space would be any caterers that would utilize the space in any special occasion.

This issue needs to be addressed. Pollution of the water and land around the Sandy Hook Chapel has increased over the last fifty years more than I could have imagined. This needs to be fixed and people need to start taking the initiative to make the land a healthier environment for the next several years. The reconstruction of the chapel with green materials, although not immediately needed, will help the environment and help to eliminate some of the waste of energy and electricity the area is currently facing. The reconstruction of the chapel would not only make the building more sustainable and environmentally friendly, but also provide an alternate source of energy using solar panels for example.

The stakeholders involved in this project include The National Park Service. They are a primary stakeholder involved with the reconstruction of the chapel because the location is monitored by the Park Service. They are going to be the ones who at the completion of the project will have to deal with the reconstruction of the chapel and the new design and layout and will be responsible for the up keeping of the building. The chapel has to fit their criteria and meet their demands and requirements. They will be the ones that make the final judgement call on how appropriate the design is.
The intended mood of the design is a historical situation. The final design, however, will not actually be carried out at the end of the project. We are to create plans that would be responsible for the redesign of the of the historic Sandy Hook Chapel which has been in existence
since the usage of Fort Hancock. I will be redesigning the structure with sustainable and green materials. The chapel's original design will remain the same with a few minor modifications to the interior of the building. The materials I am planning on using will make the building a much greener environment and prove to make a positive impact on the environment. Because the chapel is a place of worship where religious ceremonies are held, the mood should be very solemn. There are other green locations scattered throughout the country.

Some examples of similar products that do similar tasks include and kind of home that is either powered by solar panels or some other means of harvesting energy. There are also several locations that are built entirely out of green and sustainable materials. Although not pertaining to quite the same topic, even cars are becoming more environmentally friendly are using alternative sources of energy to power these cars rather than using the gasoline and having the emissions release huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Some of the products that can and are being used to complete the design process of this will all help the environment become more environmentally friendly. The use of solar panels on the roof will provide an alternate source of energy to the chapel itself and to the buildings around. These panels will create more energy efficient ways of creating energy rather than using the electric supply. Or, instead of using solar panels, wind turbines could also be used. The turbines would serve the same purpose as the solar panels, but just would use different means of collecting the energy.
Design Brief
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