Oct 28, 2011

Rendered View of Chapel

Hidden View of Chapel

Log 12

Log Date: October 28, 2011
Marking Period 1
Green Pier


Work Started:
- editing rationale based on redesigned alternate solutions
- planning for model

Work Completed:
- alternate solutions (revised based off program)
- CAD drawing complete and uploaded to blog

- review documents sent by mentor
- FPU next Tuesday
- outline due Monday 10/31
- update mentor contacts

Oct 27, 2011

Conceptual View of CAD Drawing

Developmental Work

^ CAD drawing of the chapel walls. ^

^ CAD drawing of the roof placement. ^

^ CAD drawing with added in windows and doors. ^

^ Finished CAD drawing with inner walls displayed. ^

Oct 26, 2011

Log 11

Log Date: October 26, 2011
Marking Period 1
Green Pier


Work Started:
- organizing mentor contacts into a folder on e-mail
- editing of alternate solutions

Work Completed:
- surveyed land for civil engineering portion of project yesterday afternoon during classtime
- exterior of chapel on CAD drawing

- call mentor about attached documents
- talk to mentor about electrical work within chapel

Oct 21, 2011

Log 10

Log Date: October 21, 2011
Marking Period 1
Green Pier


Work Started:
- Editing CAD drawing still, different program is running much better and is more cooperative
- Materials list
- Began materials list for exterior for model

Work Completed:
- Reworking of chapel layout
- Model beginnings

- Continue CAD drawing
- Update mentor contacts

Oct 19, 2011

Log 9

Log Date: October 19, 2011
Marking Period 1
Green Pier


Work Started:
- Editing of graded sections and making necessary adjustments
- Redesigning of the chapel layout
- Reworking of CAD drawing using AutoCAD Architecture porgram

Work Completed:
- Went to green architecture program at Roselle Park High School

- Inform group of changes to the chapel and the direction the final product will face
- Rework plans using all green materials
- New scenario: building destroyed in a storm and being rebuilt up from the ground

Oct 14, 2011

Log 8

Log Date: October 14, 2011
Marking Period 1
Green Pier


Work Started:
- CAD drawing almost complete
- Mentor contacts sheet

Work Completed:
- Made necessary adjustments to parts of the blog

- Update logs
- Update mentor contacts frequently
- Presentation is October 19

Oct 12, 2011

Log 7

Log Date: October 11, 2011
Marking Period 1
Green Pier


Work Started:
- CAD drawing continuation
- Sent e-mail to mentors about materials
- Updated rationale

Work Completed:
- Mentor updates

- Update logs
- Update mentor contacts
-October 19 is the presentation!

Oct 7, 2011

Log 6

Log Date: October 7, 2011
Marking Period 1
Green Pier


Work Started:
- CAD drawing continuation
- Edited rationale
- Messaged mentor

Work Completed: (from 10/5 to 10/7)
- Additional research

- Finish CAD drawing ASAP

Oct 5, 2011

Log 5

Log Date: October 5, 2011
Marking Period 1
Green Pier


Work Started:
- Finshed Background information
- Edited font on background information, still not cooperating
- worked on CAD drawing
- Edited rationale

Work Completed: (between 9/30 and 10/5)
- Background information completed
- Continued research on green materials

- Keep up to date with mentors
- Stay on top of work
- Make any minor adjustments as needed